ICT Section
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Computers have transformed business by automating business processes through the use of databases and software applications. These facilities have to be developed by skilled professionals. As the use of computer based systems to support business processes, customer services and transactions have become widespread in Zambia, there has been an increased need for personnel specially trained in Information and Communication Technology. The TEVETA certified Diploma in Computer Studies course has been specially designed to meet this need. The course should be completed in three levels as follows:

The TEVETA certified Diploma in Computer Studies course has been specially designed to meet business needs. The course should be completed in three levels.

Entry Requirements


1 years

  1. Systems Analysis and Design (SAD) II
  2. Advanced Programming
  3. Computer Networks
  4. Management Information Systems
  5. Project

Advanced Certificate in Computer Studies

Entry Requirements


1 year

  1. Database Technology
  2. Programming II
  3. Systems Analysis and Design (SAD) I
  4. Operating Systems
  5. Quantitative Analysis
  6. Accounting for Computers

Certificate In Computer Studies

Entry Requirements


1 Year

  1. Communication Skills
  2. Information technology and Office Productivity Software
  3. Programming
  4. Mathematics and Statistics
  5. Computer Architecture
  6. Foundations of Management
  7. Entrepreneurship


business depatment