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Encourage mutual respect, commitment to equal opportunities, courtesy and professionalism between all College employees and students.
- Opportunities for all students to study, be assessed and achieve an award in their chosen discipline
- High standards for teaching and student support
- Support for activities, advice and guidance that will enhance students’ employability, health, well-being, social interaction and personal development
- Encouragement for the continuing professional development of staff
- Opportunities and support for formal student representation and participation so student views can be represented in academic development, course management and policy development and review
- Access to library and IT facilities that is clearly defined (through specific opening times and registration procedures)
- Opportunities for students and staff to provide feedback on all aspects of College life.
- A programme specification (a technical document about the student’s programme providing details such as educational aims and learner outcomes)
- A handbook outlining programme and course details, including assessment criteria, contact hours, method of delivery for each course, examination arrangements and regulations, academic guidance and support, appeals procedures and professional requirements (where appropriate)
- Clearly stated periods of notice for changes to timetables, cancelled classes and re-scheduling of course content
- Clear deadlines and timeframes for feedback on work submitted by the student
- Guides to student fees, payment options and deadlines, with additional cost estimates
- Annual review, reporting and development of activities linked to student feedback
- Clear instructions on where to find information on feedback and complaints procedures.
- Take responsibility for managing their own learning, ensuring they spend sufficient regular time in private study, engage actively in their programme and participate fully in group learning activities
- Treat College staff and fellow students with courtesy and respect
- Attend inductions, participate in timetabled classes and attend meetings with tutors
- Get prior agreement from their School department for any essential absences
- Submit work for assessment by the stated deadlines; they must ensure that they are aware of these deadlines and must comply with College regulations governing student academic conduct
- Actively participate in feedback, including supporting course representatives in order to improve learning and teaching, taking part in the annual National Student Survey and, after graduation, in the Destinations of Leavers from Higher Education survey
- Promptly pay all charges applied by the College
- Respect the physical environment of the university, including accommodation, and behave respectfully towards neighbours.
- Support all students to ensure they are treated equally and are aware of their rights and responsibilities
- Support student participation in quality enhancement activities – especially through the election, development and training of programme representatives
- Work in partnership with the College to enhance the student experience
- Offer free and independent advice to students with academic and welfare issues
- Represent the interests of students at local and national level
- Help students to participate in the community, especially as part of initiatives for combating anti-social behaviour
- Provide opportunities to interact and socialise with other students
- Provide opportunities to participate in a large range of student-led activities to aid development of future skills